Our policy is to review and resolve all reported content complaints within seven (7) business days. In the event there is evidence of illegal content, it will be removed immediately and the Acquirer(s) will be notified of the event.

If you are depicted in content on the Site and wish to have that content removed because consent was not given or is void under applicable law, you may submit your request using the form below. Or if you wish to report content that may be illegal or violates our Terms of Use, you may also do so using the form below.

The site owners will review all complaints and removal requests, and appeals/disagreements will be resolved by a neutral body.

Appeal Procedure

To initiate an appeal of a decision pursuant to a complaint or removal request, please write to The site owner is responsible for coordinating the formal appeal meetings and providing relevant documentation to the parties involved.

Scope of Appeal

The appeal is intended to review whether or not a decision made by the site owner was fair and consistent with the Terms of Use. Complainants may appeal a decision that applies only to him or her personally and not on behalf of others.

The appeal will focus exclusively on the decision under appeal.

Outcome of the Decision

Questions will sometimes arise regarding the process used by the original decision-maker to reach the decision under appeal. In evaluating whether the decision was fair, third-party mediators should evaluate whether the outcome (the decision being appealed) was warranted, regardless of the process, unless there was a violation of policy used to reach the decision.


The remedy that a complainant seeks is an important part of the appeal. The initial written appeal must address what the complainant seeks as an outcome.


Documentation relevant to the appeal is assembled by the site owner for third-party mediators to review. Documentation may include, but is not necessarily limited to:

  • Complainant Identification Documents
  • Contracts between complainant and site owner
  • Correspondence between complainant and site owner
Withdrawal of Appeal

Per written notice, the appeal may be withdrawn or ended by the complainant at any time.